Thursday, August 12, 2010

Slack on the electronic front.

My head has been taken up with politics lately. To quote The Bard... A Pox on Both your Houses. I have been twittering again and of course posting political and human rights links on FB. I am also leading an "adopt a polling booth campaign" at my local through GET UP. You have to go to vote anyway so why not assist GetUp in this campaign so that voters can vote on the issues and not along Party lines or confuse State and Federal responsibilities... even Abbott's promise today on teacher salaries is ludicrous as it is a STATE responsibility and the Feds cannot mandate it!

As for the promises for Rail in Victoria, Rail infrastructure in NSW... well how do we guarantee it will happen this time with both levels of Government responsible AND accountable for any stuff ups or delays?

I am also sick to death of the NBN being described as "welfare for tech heads"... I am so reliant on broadband speeds and reliability otherwise i would be driving to bloody Lilydale every day clogging up the roads, using fossil fuels, paying tolls, and making my greenhouse footprint even worse than usual. How can this all be ignored and not factored into the arguments? I am not a tech-head just literate and functioning as a worker.

GRRRR I am angry as usual... Could the ALP "do a jump to the left... rather than steps to the right"?

I am also working on my Exegesis as we speak so I guess the anger is keeping me from Depression so this is a good thing.

If only I could be stable for a few more weeks as the deadlines are looming.

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