Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sometimes even YES must mean NO!

After the Malthouse outburst towards Steven Milne, it is now time for Collingwood to stand up for supposed 'Club values'. Even if the two players are found to be 'not guilty' or the allegation 'unable to be substantiated' then they will remain targets for onfield slurs and crowd accusations.

The old addage... treat others as..., springs to mind.

If all FC Clubs pay off women who allege sexual assault, how can a supporter assume Collingwood will be any different?

The Club tried everything last Saturday short of hiring the entire Crowne Promenade hotel. Soccer Clubs O/S do this. Why not our code, after all Gosche's paddock was scheduled at lunchtime? Staying after the dinner at a purposely booked NightClub till the wee hours of Sunday morning should have been enough... no need to party one at another venue.

It is also the players responsibility to act in a manner that does not damage the Club (or their own reputations). Alcohol is no excuse nor is the old 'men can't be held responsible if women fling themselves at them'.

Of course they can... and should!

These young men must control their egos and sense that the world is theirs for the taking... especially after a premiership.

If we do not draw a line in the sand Collingwood cannot win the next Flag. Team, Club and Collingwood family come first before individuals and just because we kept Didak after his ridiculous behaviour recently and Heath Shaw's drunk driving... does not mean all transgressions should be forgiven or swept under the carpet.

We do not need egomaniacs whose appalling behaviour is condoned (like Fevola) simply because the Club can't risk them playing for an opposition team

Obviously some these boys (yep boys... 90% under 30) are immature enough to think that now they have won a premiership they have carte blanche.

They must take their wages and responsibilities seriously. They are privileged by through their talent and career opportunities. They must be role models at ALL times. 24/7 for the few playing years they have in front of them.

Play up later boys when the spotlight has dimmed.

Life doesn't end at 35 or 50!

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