Sunday, May 9, 2010

The two BIG days are nearly over for 2010.

Well, Mother's Day has come and gone and I have managed to not suffer depression. (Remember Depession is merely anger without enthusiasm! Thanks to Good See I can't even dredge up the energy for my own witty repartee! Unlike my dear mentor Maxine I did not resort to a bottle of wine, or indeed any alcohol. That would have been a dangerous move, especially given how fraught the household has been lately. I was given my favourite gift and am really grateful for it, but it strikes me that my son's father popped in the shop and parted with the cash... The card just doesn't seen like the usual ones selected by my son... (they tend to have very sharp sarcascastic yet funny tag lines)... this one was a tad soppy!

So I guess my son saying he HATES birthdays and all the other celebrations, decided to include Mother's Day in his boycot this year. What is about males that can't see that even token gestures are better than none at all? And despite the commerialism, as a Mum, it is actually the one day of the year when we can be thanked for just being there. So much for that idea.

So, without getting drunk, how did I celebrate?

A television marathon of crap. Foxtel didn't even schedule one single women's movie or chick flick... I guess only LOSER MUMS would be sitting at home with the TV.... Yep, that sounds about right.

Add to this no specially-prepared meals. My son played his usual MRPG game schedule and ate in his room, and I alone in the lounge... not alone I was with the cats... How clicheed is that? Cats and TV?

the best bit...Mother's Day watching three hours of Love's Labours Lost from the Globe Theatre in London... oh well, I could pretend I was in London if nothing else.

Even the night didn't pan out. I had hoped to go to see a comedy benefit in Brunswick to raise funds for battling racism against asylum seekers but I could not motivate myself to go out alone.

So early to bed... after watching the last episode of Stephen Fry in America.

His doco on Bi Polar is on again on Wednesday on the BIO network. I wish I could watch it again as I usually come away motivated and determined to live well... but wouldn't you know Wednesday night is supposed to be the delayed 21st dinner with son, his father, his ex-boss and wife.

Great, after the last verbal tirade I am really looking forward to Chinese food I mostly cannot eat (seafood anaphylaxis) and me the designated driver. Oh fun!

Which brings me to the second andEVEN BIGGER DAY. Today, my son turns 21 and of course didn't want a party, or any such waste of money. He did willingly accept the iphone a few weeks ago, I notice... and the ongoing monthly prepay account. Hmmm..."methinks he doth protest too much."

Then this morning just so he didn't have to go to his TAFE without so much as an acknowledgement of the day, I rose and had a small token gift for him to open. He was too late and shrugged... when I come home eh? So much for that.

This will not go well either. I bought some clothing from a surf shop and now that shop has closed down. What were my son's sizes some weeks ago seem to be one size too small now! Great, let's remind him he has put on weight. Great call Mother! Also added a book he would have loved in another career incarnation... but not now.

Missed the whole thing really, so tonight will again be fraught... perhaps alcohol is the way ahead on this occasion.

His father is not home and has already done the... "poor me... to think I am here to see him turn 21... I thought I would be dead by now". Instead of great, we both (son & I) knew you would make it, I looked at him in disbelief... yep WE WERE BOTH THERE when the heart surgeon announced six months in 2001 and we went into debt to get the males to Italy for the big family goodbye!

Speaking of being self-obsessed... over this last fortnight I have put on 1 1/2 kgs!!! Emotional eating! So I feel like shit. Bring on Wednesdays hypnotherapy... I need you Caroline.

Tonight son and I are on our own for THE 21st (with FAT CLOTHES!) which seems actually more realistic and logical... but I am unsure whether to go all out as it would be me 'wasting money again' like the 'illogical c..t' I was called last week.

As a fall back I have made chocolate mousse...
please set!

Remember when you look at the suburban houses with their manicured lawns, a dysfunctional family like mine is probably sheltering inside behind the drawn curtains.

"Suburbia - where they cut down trees and name streets after them."

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